Talk to us!!

Life Changing Stories

If you have a remarkable story that needs to be told please share with us!
Send your story to
2,000 words or less
Contact information
Representing neighborhood/area
Specify if you would like for your name to be revealed / used for your story.

Pictures Around Town Events

If you would like to have your event featured in the next publication, please contact us at
Provide a brief description of event
Contact Information

Readers Feedback...Local Headlines

Do you have something to say?
Something in the local news...good or bad and you just have to say something...I'm just saying!
Please share your comments and send to
Up to 100 words
Provide a brief description of event
Must be within a relative time frame
Specify if you would like for your name to be revealed for your entry.

Sincerely yours...

Do you just want to say thank-you to an outstanding person for putting a smile on your face?
Please send your sentiments to
Up to 100 words
Provide a brief description of the action that took place
Specify if you would like your name revealed for your entry
Specify if you would like to include the person / organization that you are thanking